GraphQL on Next.js

GraphQL has the built-in scale types Int, Float, String, Boolean, and ID. Exclamation marks (!) denote non-nullable fields, and lists within square brackets([ ]) indicate arrays.

//graphql schema
import gql from "graphql-tag";
//tagged template leteral
export const typeDefs = gql`
    type LocationWeatherType {
        zip: String!
        weather: String!
        tempC: String!
        tempF: String!
        friends: [String]!

    input LocationWeatherInput {
        zip: String!
        weather: String
        tempC: String
        tempF: String
        friends: [String]

    type Query {
        weather(zip: String): [LocationWeatherType]!

    type Mutation {
        weather(data: LocationWeatherInput): [LocationWeatherType]!
//graphql resolvers
import { db } from "./data";

//use declare is to ensure that WeatherInterface is just a type definition and will not be translated into JavaScript code.
declare interface WeaterInterface {
    zip: string;
    weather: string;
    tempC: string;
    tempF: string;
    friends: string[];

export const resolvers = {
    Query: {
        weather: async (_: any, param: WeaterInterface) => {
            return [db.find((item) => ===]
    Mutation: {
        weather: async (_: any, param: {data: WeaterInterface}) => {
            return [db.find((item) => ==];

  • Create a graphql folder in the Next.js project root and put the schema.ts and resolvers.ts in the folder.
  • Create a graphql.ts in the pages folder and implement the Graphql Server using ApolloServer.

use browser http://localhost: 3000/api/graph to see the following screen. you can manipulation to query and mutation